You forgot to make a big deal about the fact that you did a 5K just a month after natural child birth! You're such a wonderwoman.
I loved this! Thanks for taking the time to SHare and thanks for the great times we always have with you guys!
What a great way to share what you've done! I love all the pictures. I hope you are enjoying that new baby-did you seriously run a 5K a month after giving birth? You are truly my HERO!! Love ya, girl!
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You forgot to make a big deal about the fact that you did a 5K just a month after natural child birth! You're such a wonderwoman.
I loved this! Thanks for taking the time to SHare and thanks for the great times we always have with you guys!
What a great way to share what you've done! I love all the pictures. I hope you are enjoying that new baby-did you seriously run a 5K a month after giving birth? You are truly my HERO!! Love ya, girl!
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