Thursday, August 14, 2008

Family Pictures

First of all, I want to thank my sister, Mary, for taking these wonderful pictures of our family. She's so very talented with a camera (and talented in a very many other things as well). But now the only problem is she took so many great pictures that I can't decide which I like the best. So I need your help. I want you to pick your top picture (or two if you need) for both my family and also for the pictures of me and Vince. I've numbered them so they're easy to keep track of. Then post in my comments section, and say which one you like best for my family picture, and for our couple picture. Thanks for the help! (Don't I have a gorgeous family, if I do say so myself. And I do! :0)






#1 #2


Thanks again for your help!


Melissa said...

cute pics. I would say 9 for fam and I think it is 5 for couple. I have to check numbers again though.

Melissa said...

btw-you look awesome.

Sheri Willardson said...

Oh my, I don't think I can pick! They all look amazing! You have a beautiful family, and a great photographer! I might have to arrange a time for pictures of my family! My favorites of your family are #2, #6, and #7. #5 is my favorite couple pic. So cute!-And I agree with Melissa, you look AMAZING!

Lizardbreath McGee said...

I would say #6 and #8 for the family (I love #6, but I'm not sure if you're looking for a formal or informal, so #8 is the best formal pic, in my humble opinion. :))

I like couple shot #5 the best. You both look relaxed and happy. Chipper, even. :)

Rebecca said...

You do have a gorgeous family! I'd say for the family #2 or #8 and the couple #5. I love #6 of the family one though too!

Nurse Heidi said...

For the family, I'd go for #2 or #7, though I also like #6.

For the couple one, #1 is a nice classic photo, but I have to say that I like the lovey doveyness of #3. I say do a collage of your favorites!

Kim said...

#2 & #9 Family
#3 & #5 Couple

They're all so great! It's hard to choose.

Sarah Coyne said...

These are adorable! Is your sister a professional? They are all cute, but I really like #6 for the family, and #6 for the couple one.

Jim and Brooke said...

They are all so good!
I think the best ones of the family are 2, 5, and 9. My favorites of the couple ones are 2 and 6.
Mary does a really nice job!
love, Brooke

Palomita said...

I could leave a VERY long, detailed message about my feelings for each one of these pictures, but I won't. I guess that's what happens when you spend hours editing - you grow attached/annoyed/frusterated/in love with the pictures you take!

I'm glad you like them!


Ann said...

What a cute family!

Ann said...

Sorry, i forgot to vote! i say 2 or 6 for family, and 5 for couple. they're ALL so cute though!

Montana Mom Marjorie said...

#9 for the family and #12 for you and Vince!
All these pictures were so cute it was very hard to pick just one. However i picked the one i thought would look the best on my wall!

Montana Mom Marjorie said...

Actually it is #5 i loved for the couple picture, don't know where 12 came from!!