Monday, July 14, 2008

Happy Anniversary!!

Just a shout-out to my Love to say, "Happy Anniversary, Darling!" Eight short long years! It's been a rough road, but I'm so glad we've come so far. I'll save all the mushy stuff for another time & place, but I thought it'd be fun to see us then and now:

This was our engagement picture. (And as my nephew Hyrum always says, "Awww, cute!")

And here we are now:

And I have to say, I still think we're cute! And I really can't believe how much my love has grown in the past 8 years. We were so young when we got married. I think our love now isn't the same silly, giddy, exciting love like it was then, but a deep-rooted love that I feel in my whole body now. You're a wonderful man, Vince! And I'm a much better woman because I have you to be my man. I love you. Happy Anniversary!


Leslie said...

Ahh! I didn't know it was your anniversary! Happy Anniversary!!! Hope you guys have a great day.

Nurse Heidi said...

You ARE still cute! Happy Anniversary : )!!

Ann said...

What a cute couple! You ARE so cute Becky! WOW 8 years! Congrats!

Sheri Willardson said...

Happy Anniversary! You both look great after 8 years-marriage must be doing good things for you!

Cannwin said...

It's amazing isn't it. When you get married at 20 you think you are soooo old and know exactly what you are getting yourself into. Then you have a couple kids, you get a couple wrinkles, maybe spot the first gray hairs and all of a sudden you're looking at 20 year olds thinking, I wasn't that young was I? Wow, maybe I'll tell my kids to wait a year or two, get some life under their wings. But then you think to yourself, would I change it? Would I go back and get 'life under my wings'?

Yeah, it's weird to be on the brink of 30. I thought I wanted to be old but now I'm not so sure. :)

And maybe I will tell my daughter to wait a year or two.