Thursday, July 17, 2008

Look what I found!

This song got stuck in my head a few days ago, so I decided to hunt for it. I love You Tube! Oh how this brings back memories! I hope it does for you too.

Why, oh why don't they make cartoons like this anymore?


Debbie Barr said...

Awww, trip down memory lane!

That was fun. :)

Sheri Willardson said...

Thanks for posting-I showed my daughter Brynna and we had so much fun watching it together! She had never seen this before, yet I could sing right along with it. I watched it all the time as a kid. I wish they did make cartoons like this still-or at least played these old cartoons somewhere. Brynna says-"you should put that on our blog, mom." So I might put this on mine too-if thats ok. Cute idea- So fun-thanks!

Sheri Willardson said...

PS-You tube is the BEST! (excluding all the bad stuff)

Rebecca said...

That was great! I love that cartoon.

Lizardbreath McGee said...

SERIOUS memory lane trip, there.

I think this was all part of a series of anthropomorphic cartoons Disney did back in the day. Remember the little house? And that car? And the tugboat?

Sigh. Good ol' days.